Medarbeiderpanel i Sodexo


Sodexo Norge AS


Hvordan kan Sodexo best jobbe med og gjennom de ansatte for å nå sine strategiske mål innen bærekraft, arbeidsmiljø og innovasjon?


15 tilfeldig utvalgte medarbeidere i arbeidslederstillinger innen f. eks renhold, kantine og resepsjon.

“This type of innovative approach to engaging employees in organizational change initiatives shows a lot of promise. It is well-positioned to bring together a more diverse set of voices that can collectively offer more innovative ideas and inputs for decision-making. This is one of the few examples of this approach used to date, and I hope to see more organizations experiment with it in the future to reimagine how they practice organizational change.”

– Simon Pek, Associate Professor of Sustainability and Organization Theory, Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria

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